Museum of Humor and Satire | Gift Shop

  • Type: commercial space
  • Year: 2019 – 2020
  • Institution: Museum of Humor and Satire
  • Location: Gabrovo, Bulgaria 

At the end of 2019 the team of the Museum of Humor and Satire initiated a process of rethinking of the Museum’s ground floor spaces. As a result Hall 1 and the wardrobe area were renovated while the souvenir shop was moved and expanded.

In the gift shop’s new location (part of Hall 1) different types of furniture were designed to present more items from various types. At the same time a project was started by the Museum aiming to modernize its visual identity. It was developed by Studio Punkt and resulted in new souvenirs and gifts for the shop. 

With its 80 m2 the gift shop in the Museum of Humor and Satire is the largest museum shop in Bulgaria. It is also the only museum project in the country that was developed using credit financing. The funds are provided by the Growing Regions Program, Regional Fund for Urban Development – North, Fund of Funds and DSK Bank.


  • Project management: Anna Kusheva
  • Interior design: Martina Deneva
  • Graphic design: Studio Punkt




Concept project – Proposal 1:


Concept project – Proposal 2:


Finished project: