Dawn of Humanity

  • Type: temporary exhibition
  • Year: 2022
  • Institution: National Museum of Natural History – BAS
  • Location: Sofia, Bulgaria 
  • Topic: paleoanthropology  
  • Tasks: design of exhibition modules

The exhibition “Dawn of Humanity” at the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia is inspired by discoveries made in Bulgaria and the Balkan peninsula over the past 15 years. It illustrates the role of the Balkan region in human evolution and development. The exhibition features various illustrations and photographs, as well as unique exhibits and fossils. It is part of the museum program “See the Unseen” for a series of thematic temporary exhibitions presenting unseen artifacts from the museum’s collections.

Within the project I was tasked with designing a system of internal modules for the museum’s temporary exhibition displays that allows for various presentation scenarios. The proposed solution features two types of lightweight metal screen frames that can be used not only for the displays but also as stand-alone elements suitable for mobile exhibitions.


  • Contents and texts: prof. Nikolay Spasov, Ralitsa Konyovska, Rosen Spasov
  • Curator: Nora Karalambeva
  • Graphic design: Poststudio, Nora Karalambeva
  • Exhibition design: Martina Deneva
  • Implementation: arch. Ivan Ivanov
  • Partners: National Archeology Museum – BAS, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”

PHOTOGRAPHS: @National Museum of Natural History – BAS @Martina Deneva